Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Dalian Rock Scene

We're mere hours away from catching a night train to Beijing for New Years, but I figured I'd leave you all with a cool post to tide you over as you wait with bated breath for our return.

One thing I was pretty sure I'd go the year without, was a rock scene. Now, while one show does not a scene make, we were at an awesome concert the other night with a great lineup of local bands. Punk bands, metal bands, hardcore death metal bands, and some just plain... strange bands.

It was at a benefit concert to save the Black Bears, and while they ain't Panda Bears, it's no less of a good cause.

So here you go... feel free to rock out or plug your ears as necessary, and I'll see everyone next year!

Clip One: Hardcore Death Metal Band

Clip Two: A Strange, Strange Fusiony Thing

Clip Three: Metal

Clip Four: Punk

Rock out!
- Shawn

1 comment:

Jonah said...

That second video is quite honestly one of the strangest things I have ever heard.