I don't want to chalk it up to being here too long, or teacher-itis as I've taken to calling it, but some of my lessons have been getting more and more... bizarre.
I got to teach body parts to my C5 class, and had them label up a body. Sure I could have drawn something on the board, but that's just... boring.
Stretching my C4 student's creativity while having them practice... well, I'm not really sure... I had them concoct fantastic machines complete with accurate directions written in English.
But what kind of teacher would I be if I didn't provide them with a solid example first?
(I apologize to all my elementary school teachers for my penmanship. I also apologize to my students.)
A good reviewing game to play whilst drilling the kiddies is the "Ladder Man Game", where two teams have to race their stick man up the ladder on the board by correctly answering questions (and resisting the temptation to speak Chinese, which will undoubtedly cause their stick man to take an unfortunate tumble off of the ladder).
It wasn't my idea to name one of the stick men Mr. W.C., but I was willing to roll with it.
Oh yeah, and he won.
As an early gift for the holiday season, I brought in a special time waster... did I say time waster? I meant treat, for my highest level class. Their English was so good, I figured I'd reward them.
By bringing in my Wii.
I did make sure they did all their trash talking in English though.
And that's only the stuff I've documented.
- Shawn
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