Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Strange Moving Pictures From Dandong

My recent trip to Dandong (as recounted below), wasn't only great because it provided a unique view into North Korea. It also had elements that were so strange they could only be found in China, and really only believed if you see them.

That's what this post is for. They're quick, but assuredly strange.

Like this one... in Dandong, you are seemingly discouraged from simply walking across the street.

Why walk when you can dance?

But that's nothing compared to this gem. I'm sure everyone and their mother is familiar with the Ahhhnold's classic "True Lies". Apparently even Chairman Mao.

You may think that a square in China would be a strange place for a public screening of True Lies. But obviously, The Chairman disagrees.

He likes it. Not as much as Kindergarten Cop though...

Enjoy the silliness,


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