Saturday, June 2, 2007

Daily Dalian

So I've been trying to bring my camera with me everyday and of course I'm still working on that cause, she's a biggie and I usually have a few other things as well, but this is a few snipets of what we did and saw this week in Dalian. It was a pretty quiet week, but we did have time to take in a few of the local spots. HeShiJiao has a park on the water, we walk through the markets about everyday and 'King George' is just one of our trusty animals in the neighborhood. Enjoy!!!

Fishing boats moored for the night.
Dalian, China

'King George' guarding our local 'recycling center' or midway point (still trying to figure out what exactly it is)
Dalian, China
Watermelons and cherries for sale at one of Dalian's many markets.
Dalian, China

Man smoking a cigarette in front of partial Dalian skyline
Dalian, China

Traditional Chinese box dancing at Xinghai Park
Dalian, China

Catch ya in a flash, Corey

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