Friday, June 8, 2007

Shawn Abraham: Human Electronic Market

A few weeks ago, I had my iPod stolen out of my backpack. Needless to say it sucked, but hey, that sort of thing could happen anywhere, to anyone. I mean sure someone opened up my backpack, took out my iPod, and closed up my bag on the bus without me knowing, but you have to keep your head up when stupid shit like that happens.

Today, coming off the bus, someone stole my camera right out of my pocket. So forgive me while I vent. Really, this sucks ass. I don't even know what to say to be honest. It's just that two things stolen in less than a month is more than just a hassle. It's more than just the money.

I've never felt like a target here. Obviously we stand out. We don't look like anyone else, we don't act like anyone else, and I have it on good authority we rarely smell like anyone else. But aside from the awkward stares, and loosely thrown out "Hello?"s, everyone's been friendly. Even if the returned "hellos" leave them in stitches. But I guess there is a flip side to everything. We stand out to more than just the bored, friendly, and curious.

Of course, it's obviously not just because I'm foreign. My Chinese coworker Louis
had his Cell phone stolen on the same bus that my iPod was jacked. I guess petty crime like pickpocketing is "common" here. Clearly not the same situation as some friends I have in El Salvador who shall remain nameless. So yeah, I know I'm in some senses lucky. I wasn't hurt. They were only things. But dammit...

It was weird, it felt like it fell out of my pocket, I looked on the ground and couldn't see it. Then it hit me what had happened. I looked around and saw nothing but suspects. Teens running to buses old women staring at me selling newspapers and water, and this little kid. Looking back, the best version of the story I can come up with is that the old woman staring probably saw what happened and opted to say nothing. And the most likely culprit? Easy money is on the little kid. Should have gone up to him and seen what would happen. Things are always easier in hindsight. Really, it was over in two seconds. By the time I realized it was actually lifted, they could have been well out of sight.

This post isn't really going anywhere, I'm not here looking for sympathy (donations are something else of course) I just needed to get it all off my chest and vent to someone (or something) that isn't Corey before she tries to find the guy who stole my stuff and tells him to take me away also.

Hopefully I'll have picture filled posts up soon, as I'm sure you all want to see the puppy market we've discovered.

- Shawn


Unknown said...

aw dude, that blows. :( But there are small things here... A) An ipod is just a thing to hold music that is hopefully stored on your computer, so at least yu didnt lose thousands of $$s in music. And as far as the camera, well... at least you live in china. I feel like you can get a pretty nifty technological wonder over there.

Shawn said...

Well, it's more the frustration than losing the gizmos, but yeah, you're right I guess. And you better believe I scored myself a neat new camera. It cost me half my month's salary, but being impoverished in China is a small price to pay for a new toy that isn't even on the american market yet. Not that I wanna start bragging or anything... because you never know if little Chinese Pickpockets are reading this...