Saturday, June 16, 2007

Parents, Lies, and Video Tape

Ok, there really aren't going to be any lies in this post, but since its been a while I wanted to catch everyone's attention with a snazzy, yet out of date pop culture reference.

This weekend at Future 2 is a sort of Open House Weekend, with parents being invited into classes to watch. I wouldn't say that I was dreading it or anything, but I surely wasn't looking forward to it. Our classrooms are all stylishly designed with giant window walls facing out into the hallway so parents can sternly stare in and complain later. Having the cranky 'rents in the back of the class can't really be much better.

Interestingly enough, it did spice things up a bit. I felt like I was performing for an audience, and wound up leading some of my more rousing classes in a while. Although I did tire myself out a lot quicker... guess I'm out of shape when it comes to teaching stamina. All in all, I think day one went well, and here's hoping that day 2 of the parent's open house stays the same... coupled with the hope that there aren't any complaints that I make fun of the kids too much in coming weeks. I mean, I have no idea why they'd think that.

Another weird monkey wrench in the normal teaching grind this weekend was the last minute (as in text message from Tommy, our manager, late last night) announcement that our classes would be video taped for unspecified purposes. It's funny how people can hide behind the language barrier when they don't want to explain something to you. I mean, they told me it was for Chinese Teacher training purposes, yet somehow when the tripod was set, it always seemed to be facing right at me. Or a window. Whatever, it's not my mysterious video.

Thing is, that class went pretty well too. Who knows, maybe the whole bit about variety and spiciness is true when it comes to a grueling class schedule. Who woulda thought?

- Shawn

Oh yeah, and if ever get my hands on the tape from today or tomorrow, I'll do my best to put up a snippet on the blog.

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