Monday, September 10, 2007

Round Two

So this weekend saw the start of our second semester teaching at Future 2. It was a nice fresh start with a slew of new classes, with a few returning faces in the seats. It's sort of strange teaching a completely different class with a few students you know, but even weirder is seeing your old students running around the hallway, waving excitedly at you. It makes you feel somewhat accomplished. Like: hey, they like you! I did something right I guess.

The weirdest though is seeing the few students I had to fail. Who would have thought they'd be just as excited to see me in the hallway? Waving just as hard and grinning just as stupidly. Hmmm... didn't mean for it to come out like that.

Most of the classes are the same here, but one new class I'm teaching this semester is C14: The much feared highest level kids class. Teaching pubescent nightmares from 13-18 without a text book, syllabus or course objectives list. Plus, a good chunk of the class has already taken the course, so I have to make sure the lessons I pull out of nowhere aren't the same as the random crap other teachers have made up. All that said, this is the class I'm most excited for. I have some ideas, I got some from them, and I just hope it isn't a waste of all of our time when all is said and done. Challenges in the classroom, gotta love 'em.

Especially the ones that don't involve five year olds breaking into tears for no particular reason. Of course, if any of my seventeen year olds break into tears for no particular reason, I'm in real trouble.

The most exciting part of this semester is our new schedules. We now have our three days off in a row. No more Monday, Wednesday, Friday days off. Now, we're free from Monday - Wednesday, which means we'll see a bit more of China this semester. Which of course translates into more interesting blog posts for you, dear reader.

Should be a good semester.

- Shawn


Unknown said...

Are you kidding me?!?!??! You get 5 day weekends??? Holy hell I am soooooo jealous!! MWF I work from 9-7, and T/T I work 9-5. This is some bullshit.

Shawn said...

Hah, I wish. We have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off. We work full 8 hour days on Saturday and Sunday, then have our three days to bum around. Then on Thursday and Friday, I work a grueling total of ahem... 4 hours. Two each day. Now THAT is a schedule!