Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Video Double Feature

While you are all patiently waiting for the rest of Corey's kickass Beijing pictures, I thought I might interest you in a quick Video Double Feature.

See, thanks to the magic of technology, my camera has the ability to take real short video clips - and now I want to share some with you.

The first is more of an opening act. Not as crazy/interesting/oh man that's China! as the second one, but great and enjoyable in its own right. For Corey's birthday this past weekend, the foreign teachers all went to a bar named "Noah's Ark". While the name doesn't seem to have much to do with anything, it does boast live music, so there's that. Amidst a set filled with folky/Indie rock Chinese songs came a stripped down acoustic cover of Bon Jovi's comeback classic "It's My Life".

If you've ever wanted to see a Chinese house band cover the boys from New Jersey, but never knew where to look, this is the place for you.

"It's My Life" (Chinese Acoustic Cover)

Enjoy the backing vocals by the Future 2 staff as well.

And for our main act, I present to you a view from our bedroom window into the DMZ's local schoolyard. Now, I'm not sure if this clip really captures the insanity of our morning view, but it should at least come close.

Phys Ed in the DMZ

And yes, that could very well be a goat you hear. They've been sighted.

So until next time, crank some Bon Jovi on your portable MP3 player and go do some synchronized calisthenics in the back yard... otherwise you'll never be able to keep up.

- Shawn

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Corey, How quickly you forget! Every day lining up outside at PS 69 (K-6), no parents allowed in the yard. Mom